Tuesday Dumps: NexGen Tour Dates, Torch Vest, Longest Game Ever

by | March 26, 2013, 7:42am 0

  • Summer must be right around the corner, as NexGen announces the dates for their 2013 Tour.
  • Sick of ending practice when the lights shut off or the sun goes down? Looking to play some night ultimate? Dayton-based Noxgear has announced a kickstarter campaign to help fund their fiber-optic Torch vest, designed for that very purpose.
  • The Eastern Washington Eagles are getting some press for announcing their intent to break the world record for the longest ultimate game ever played. The goal is 85 hours straight, and after starting Friday morning the team will have to continue to play through this evening to meet it.

Atlanta-based Brookwood High School Inferno has put together a 2013 highlight reel, check it out:

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