slaughterball box cover

Slaughterball, the Name Doesn’t Disappoint

Slaughterball, as many of you will already know, is currently an active Kickstarter project, and fully funded I might add. That means that by backing it you’ll get the game and a lot of cool stretch goal add-ons. But, should you back it? Definitely.

slaughterball game setup
Getting set up.

For starters, with a name like “Slaughterball” it better deliver. The experience better be intense and I better feel like I can rain down the pwnage on my opponent(s). Check and check. The experience is fast and furious. Scoring, knocking down opponents, rinse and repeat. That might not sound like much, but it amounts to a good deal of fun. And really, that’s all that is needed. But, the fun doesn’t stop there. There are also Strategy Cards, which add to the amount of player screw. These cards can be used to increase (or subtract) a character’s accuracy or toughness (or agility/brawl/speed), interrupt their movement, or actually penalize an opponent character (among other things).

The custom dice, with their knives and skulls, add to the experience. In fact, the entire rule book is dripping with quotes from the slaughterball miniatures gamecharacters that really help to set the atmosphere. A few examples: “Anything you can do I can do bloodier” and “I shall exact my spiteful vengeance with the brutal fury of a thousand angry gods!” and “If I want your opinion I’ll come up there and beat it out of you.” It doesn’t take long to get into a “Slaughterball” frame of mind. The rulebook is fairly straightforward, easy to understand, and doesn’t take long before you can jump in and start mopping the floor with your opponent’s face. Everything is well presented and there are plenty of examples of gameplay.

The game plays well with two players, but also plays well (maybe more so) with four players. The reason for this is that with four players there are more bodies on the field. This creates more obstacles and tension. Generally speaking, a four player game will see more direct conflict between the characters.

There are a number of small things that affect the overall experience in a positive way. Like subtracting dice based on the number of opponents surrounding a character, and determining where the ball loads after a goal is scored. Rules like this might seem small at first, but they really solidify the experience of the game.

slaughterball kickstarter gameThis is definitely one of the better fantasy sports themed games out there. It feels more like an actual sports game than some of the other games currently on the market. Strategy is key, but there’s just enough luck to keep the adrenaline pumping. The action is brutal; you have to be alert, aware, and able to adapt quickly. Otherwise, your opponent will own you, and you’ll feel physical pain as you look at your fallen minis. Speaking of minis, I haven’t talked about them largely because my preview copy only came with cardboard standies, but based on the Kickstarter page the miniatures are going to look fantastic. You are going to kick yourself if you pass on this one.

Is it fun? Yes, check+
slaughterball cardsAre the rules easy to understand? Yes, check.
Miniatures? Yes, please. Double check+
High Replay Value? Yes, check.

So there you have it. Positive marks all around. Check out the Kickstarter page and back Slaughterball today.

((note that the board game in this review is a prototype and all components and rules are subject to change before the game is published))

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